Pictured above is one of several Ventnor City Streetscape Concept Designs prepared by Marathon Engineering for the North Beach Business District. Improvements to the area are set to begin after the 2018 season to minimize disruption in the area.
As a result of damage and lost ratables incurred from Superstorm Sandy, the city secured an $800,000 streetscape grant from the New Jersey Economic Development Authority for the North Beach Business District. The improvements will contribute to the revitalization of an area financially impacted by the storm.
The streetscape improvements will include the installation of hanging plants from decorative street lights, trash and recycling containers, pedestrian scale lighting, sidewalk improvements, way finding signage and street trees and decorative tree grates to help create a better walking experience and sense of place, while also improving pedestrian safety by softening the appearance of the roadway, calming traffic and making bicyclists and pedestrians more visible. Street trees in particular have been documented to provide several general benefits (e.g. reduced air and noise pollution, traffic calming and protection from the elements). The improvements are estimated to cost approximately $250,000 per block.
To view the complete concept design package, click here.