William Franklin Crowther, CTA, Tax Assessor

William Franklin Crowther, CTA (Bill) is the Tax Assessor for the City of Ventnor, whose mission is to create an atmosphere in public service based on the fundamental concept of transparency in local government, while upholding his statutory duty of distributing the tax burden fair and equitable across his taxing district.
After spending well over a decade in the tax assessing field, working throughout the State of New Jersey in various municipal and county government offices, Bill truly knows what it takes to ensure his community is at its best and understands that it is not only through hard work and dedication, but how well you connect with the public you are there to serve.
Bill strives to provide excellence in public service in a courteous, timely and professional manner, while educating the public regarding the overall assessment process and property tax relief programs.
Bill holds a Certified Tax Assessors certification from the State of New Jersey.
Besides tax assessing, Bill is also a diehard passionate Philadelphia Eagles fan and hopes to see his team win a Super Bowl before his time on Earth expires.