General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 609-823-6406
Emergencies: Dial 911
6201 Atlantic Ave. 2nd Floor
Ventnor City,

Monday - Friday
7am - 3pm

Office of Emergency Management (OEM)

The Office of Emergency Management is responsible for the four phases of emergency management.

  1. Mitigation: eliminate or reduce the probability of a disaster occurrence.
  2. Preparedness: planning, exercising, training and, developing public information programs and warning systems.
  3. Response: include direction and control, warning, evacuation and emergency services and are designed to address immediate and short-term effects of the onset of an emergency or disaster. They help to reduce casualties and damage and to speed recovery.
  4. Recovery: Short-term operations seek to restore critical services to the community and provide for the basic needs of the public. Long-term recovery focuses on restoring the community to its normal, or improved state of affairs.

The purpose is to protect life and property in emergencies by coordinating response activities of municipal and volunteer entities to ensure their optimum use. It provides for actions to be taken to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from the effects of an emergency. This plan is an all hazards approach to emergency management and covers natural disasters, technological disasters, and security crises.

This office works closely with County, State, and Federal Emergency Management Organizations to ensure a rapid, well-coordinated response to emergencies. The Office of Emergency Management continually develops and revises Ventnor City's Emergency Operations Plan to address the potential threats to the City.

Michael P. Cahill,  Fire Chief, EMC 
Donna M. Peterson, Deputy EMC and Coordinator of Special Events
Joe Iannuzzelli, Lieutenant, Deputy EMC