ACUA Working on Permanent Repair to Ventnor Force Main Leak

Message below from the Atlantic County Utilities Authority:

The Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA) and its emergency contractor are working to permanently repair a leak recently detected in the underground sewer force main located along Wellington and Wissahickon Avenues (along the dirt road) in Ventnor City, New Jersey. The force main transports wastewater from Ventnor to ACUA’s treatment facility in Atlantic City. 

The leak, caused by a faulty pipe fitting, is currently contained, and wastewater is being diverted to Ventnor’s collection system. 

Excavation to uncover the affected area is complete, and a full-scale bypass system is being installed so the fitting can be replaced. While the bypass is in place, ACUA will proactively replace a similar fitting on the line approximately 50 ft. away from the faulty one. 

The bypass installation and repair work are expected to last several weeks. The work will not impact sewer service or traffic in the area.

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